Pip’s Tips: Newborns
5 rules for surviving the first month (and laying the groundwork for success).
As children grow and develop, there are certain practices and habits I like for parents to implement. I’ve been handwriting these “tips” during checkups and sending parents home with them for over 20 years.
And I’m finally sharing them with the world! Watch the videos below and download the “Pip’s Tips” cheat sheets.
5 rules for surviving the first month (and laying the groundwork for success).
5 rules for a happy baby (and happy parents) after the 1 month mark.
My rules for a happy baby (and happy parents) after the 1 month mark.
My rules for a healthy, happy baby at the 4-month checkup.
My rules for a healthy, happy baby at the 6-month checkup.
My rules for a healthy, happy baby at the 9-month checkup.
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Disclaimer: This is my personal website. The content and information on this site represent my opinions, and reading this content does not constitute a physician-patient relationship. Any advice given on this site is for general informational purposes only. Always consult with your physician for any questions, concerns, or conditions regarding your specific situation.
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