What to do When Your Toddler Won’t Nap
Naptime is important for toddlers–and their parents! Here are some things that impact naps and what to do about it.
Naptime is important for toddlers–and their parents! Here are some things that impact naps and what to do about it.
There’s no reason to worry if your child isn’t crawling by 9 or 10 months. Let’s talk about why!
Read my thoughts on whether infants have allergies and how I handle allergies with children.
Read my thoughts about the current measles epidemic–a disease that was thought to be eradicated nearly 20 years ago.
Getting sick is just part of being a child. This is how we develop our immune systems. However, there are a few things you can do to minimize the infections.
Moving your toddler from a crib to a bed isn’t always easy, but there are a few things you should know that could help with the process.
One big developmental milestone is transitioning from bottles to sippy cups. I prefer these 360-degree sippy cups over the traditional ones with the “spout” on them. The spout lets babies continue their sucking reflex instead of helping them move past this phase. The 360 sippy cups still require sucking, but it teaches kids how to … Read more
Babies have to build up their immune system, which can take years. Babies are exposed to a lot of germs–especially if they go to daycare or are around other kids. This is good for helping build their immune systems, but sometimes it leads to infections and illnesses that require antibiotics. For babies and young toddlers … Read more
If you’re having problems transitioning your toddler from the crib to a bed, I recommend trying this toddler alarm clock. Older toddlers have the capacity to relate red with “stop” and green with “go.” When they’re supposed to be sleeping–or at least staying in bed–the traffic light on the clock is red. Once the alarm … Read more
I’m frequently asked about healthy discipline for toddlers and young children. I’ve recommended “1-2-3 Magic” countless times over the years. There are many schools of thought when it comes to discipline, and no single method will be the right one for every family. However, I’ve seen great results from “1-2-3 Magic” and recommend giving it … Read more